Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Dragon Quest III: Seeds of Salvation

Dragon Quest III: Seeds of Salvation! I believe I finished it around level 42 or something. I can't remember. I'm gonna take a good guess and say this game is 30-35 hours long. 

Dragon Quest III: Seeds of Salvation is a classic turn-based JRPG originally developed and released for the Nintendo Entertainment System. After it's release it has been ported to SNES, GBC, Wii, and iOS/Android. I played the Game Boy Color version which is known as Dragon Warrior III in English territories.

Personally, I believe that Dragon Quest is the JRPG in it's most pure form. Classic turn-based with a world map, towns, dungeons, engaging story, character classes, very grind heavy and the like. I enjoyed the simplicity of Dragon Quest III. It wasn't overly complicated or anything.

The music of the game is very good and fitting. I particularly like the 1st World Map theme and the battle theme.

Dragon Quest III tells a tale of the unnamed hero whose father was killed in trying to save the world from the evil monster Baramos. When the game begins, the hero sets off on their journey looking to save the world and find these 7 particularly colored orbs. There are no "characters" that you play with in III. This reminds me of one of my favorite games of all time, Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies. Instead of meeting party members as you go throughout the story, in the beginning of the game, you can create party members of your own assigned a certain class. This can be done at Patty's building. Whom is also a character in Dragon Quest IX. You cannot change the class of the hero, but you can for your three party members and you can gain new classes once certain conditions are met. Which is also a lot like Dragon Quest IX. I also really enjoyed exploring new areas and covering the unexplored gray spots on the world map in game. I kinda miss the feeling in JRPGs when a new location is coming on the horizon and you rush towards it. I really did have a lot of fun with this game. In Dragon Quest III, I thought it was a nice touch to add the male or female protagonist a lot like Pokèmon. I played as the male and named him after myself. There's also a cool little personality test at the beginning of the game which was really interesting.

For a Game Boy Color game, or well, NES game back when it came out, Dragon Quest III is a fantastic JRPG that is surprisingly grand in scale. There's a lot you can do in the game. You can explore two different worlds, get new classes for your characters, collect mini & monster medals. There's a ton of different types of enemies and locations in the game. It's a very big game for it's time. Just like Final Fantasy III on Famicom, Dragon Quest IV, and The Legend of Zelda 1 & 2. All really grand scale games for their time. Dragon Quest III is a very sad game, at least to me. It's actually the first in the Loto trilogy. I believe it follows as - Dragon Quest III, Dragon Quest II, Dragon Quest I.

I have never even beaten Dragon Quest II or I and I plan to play them in reverse on Game Boy Color because I played III first.

Dragon Quest III: Seeds of Salvation! A fantastic JRPG, especially portably on Game Boy Color. It's not my favorite Dragon Quest game, but I really did enjoy my time with it and recommend it to anyone who loves classic JRPGs because this is truly a classic. I suggest you play it on Game Boy Color, iOS/Android, or a SNES emulator. The most accessible way to play it is buying it on the iOS or Google Play Store.

And finally, I'll end this with saying that my party was the Male Hero, Female Mage, Female Priest, and Male Martial Artist. Their names were Matt, Jess, Tori, and Yuri, respectively.


Undisputed Verdict: 8.5/10

Thanks for reading and I'll see you next time!! ~Gothorita

Picture is somewhat unrelated, but cute Dragon Quest girls are always welcome!! <3 ^o^

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