Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Legend of Mana

Legend of Mana.... *Nostalgic Song plays*

I believe I was at Level 50 when I finished it. It's about like, 30-40 hours long.

Legend of Mana is an action RPG for PSOne developed and released by Squaresoft. Being part of the Mana series it is expected to be a somewhat fast and fluid action RPG. But Legend of Mana was different. The battles were more stiff and took some precision with hits. Especially the command moves.

One thing I liked about Legend of Mana actually was the combat. It wasn't very deep but it was fun. The battles usually took place with the main character and a group of enemies. In battle you can use up to 4 command moves, a skill that is assigned to one button, and physical attacks. It's actually very well put together in my opinion. By using a skill, you can gain more command moves. You can also combo a bit with physical attacks and command moves or skills. I thought it was very fun. 

The world of Legend of Mana is very vibrant, diverse, and contains many different adorable little creatures and characters. The game progresses on quests and once you clear quests you get new artifacts to place on the world map and go to new areas and advance the story.

The music in Legend of Mana is fucking amazing. Very Yoko Shimomura. My favorite songs from the game are Nostalgic Song, Legend of Mana, Story of Mana, World of Mana, and The Wind Sings For The Journey. 

The graphics or well, the artstyle is beautiful. It's one of the best looking PSOne games. I think Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles got a lot of inspiration from the Mana series. You can even pick from a male or female protagonist and choose your weapon of choice. I chose a female and used Claws as my weapon.

Before I get to my favorite part about the game, let me just say that I did not like how some quests were difficult and left me clueless as to what to do. I also did not like that the majority of quests you do not get a reward from.

Now, my favorite part of Legend of Mana was the story. It was very VERY philosophical, mystical, in some cases strange. I also really liked the characters/party members that joined you throughout the game. But I suppose what I really liked abut the story was because I really felt like I was the protagonist and the story taught a lot of lessons as well. It even got very philosophical by the end. I couldn't let go of the controller. I really loved it because this philosophy is actually something I believe in and live by today.

If you're interested in playing Legend of Mana you can purchase it as a PSOne Classic on the PlayStation Store which is playable on PlayStation Portable, PlayStation Vita, & PlayStation 3.

Legend of Mana was a fantastic action RPG on PSOne and my first ever experience with the Mana series. I look forward to playing the other games on the series and experiencing them!


Undisputed Verdict: 8/10

Thanks for reading and I'll see you next time!! ~Gothorita

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