Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Final Fantasy III (DS)

Final Fantasy III! This was the DS version I played and I think I beat it in 34 hours or something at Level 58-60. I really can't remember.

Alright kats, this will probably be my shortest review ever.

This is my least favorite Final Fantasy game, right off the bat and one of my least favorite games of all time. NOW WAIT BEFORE YOU PISS AND SHIT IN THE COMMENTS! I'm specifically talking about this specific version of this game. Final Fantasy III on Famicom is a fucking phenomenal and absolutely fantastic game. But why did I dislike this version in particular? Well, let me tell you why.

I do not like the feel of the gameplay. The music is fine. (Sounds horrible on DS, though.) And characters and story are good, but the fucking gameplay is so boring. I don't even like walking around on the field. I don't know why, I start getting so bored and fall asleep. Maybe because it feels so slow compared to Famicom and it probably feels a lot better on iOS/Android & PSP. But the DS version is just boring. It's so slow and sluggish even in battles. Also this is nitpicky, but I would have like to have been able to use the Onion Knight class but it's so complicated to get. ._.

There are a few things I like about the DS version, though. The new ending is better and some of the jobs have better moves, opening is nice. It has a great song for it. That's really it.... I guess that's all I have to say.

My party was the Ninja, Dark Knight, Devout, and Sage. Don't suffer through the sluggish agony of this version of Final Fantasy III, if you guys wanna play the 3D version of Final Fantasy III get it on iOS/Android or PSP from the PlayStation Store. The PSP version is also playable on PlayStation Vita.


Undisputed Verdict: 4/10

Thanks for reading and I'll see you next time!! ~Gothorita

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