Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Final Fantasy I

Final Fantasy I! I beat it in one day. Just kidding, I beat it in 24:00 as my play time said. I've played the original Final Fantasy 6 times. 3 times on GBA, 2 on PSP and now for the first time on PSOne.

Now I suppose I'll start off with the gameplay and graphics. Exactly the same as PSP, gameplay-wise. But the PSOne has that Final Fantasy VIII/Final Fantasy I NES style of magic with the charges/limited uses instead of MP like on GBA & PSP. Personally, I like the MP style better because charges can be annoyingly hard to not use. Especially in dungeons, on the world map, or at the beginning of the game. You get used to it though. I also liked the Memo File. I used it in Final Fantasy II as well. It basically is like quicksave, but you're still playing. It creates a "Memo" that is there until you turn the system off. It came in handy in dire situations like in Chaos Shrine. I'd make a Memo File in the middle of a dungeon just in case if I died and if I did then I wouldn't have to start back too far. It's really a cool concept. Just don't turn your console off while using it. XD

Now, let me talk about the stuff I don't like about in Final Fantasy I/the things I wish could be in a remake possibly before I get to the stuff I love.

Okay, this goes for really any old RPG, but I much prefer to take a turn and have it execute rather than choosing everyone's turn. Just because it feels more fluid and progressive. This is more nitpicky I guess, but there should be a choice to pick male or female for each class. The Warrior should be able to use Cover and gain the ability to use Guard when becoming a Knight as well as up to Level 5 White Magic. The Thief should be able to use Steal (and Sprint when he's the leader) and gain the ability for Throw and Dual Wield as a Ninja. The Monk should be able to use Kick and Mantra and gain the ability of Focus as a Master. I say this because I have always HATED the fact that the Monk/Master, Warrior/Knight, Thief/Ninja has a Magic command, but it just sits there because they can't do anything with it! That always irritated me.

Anyway, there should also be more Nunchuks for the Monk/Master instead of having to resort to Haste/Saber/Temper and Barehanded.  The Red Mage should be able to learn spells up to level 8 but just have higher MP than the White or Black Mage. The Red Wizard should be able to use Dualcast thus making use of that high amount of MP. The White Mage should be a lot more proficient/powerful with their exclusive weapon, the Hammer. I think that could be a really cool and unique weapon. The White Wizard should be able to exclusively learn Aeroja and Drain as useful attack spells. The Black Mage should be able to learn Osmose and the Black Wizard should be able to learn more extremely powerful spells like Freeze, Burst, Break, and Meteor. I will also say that those two classes should be renamed Devout and Magus as well as Sage for Red Mage's class up. Honestly, I feel like this is kinda hinting at why I love Final Fantasy III so much. XD I didn't like how you couldn't save anywhere like on the PSP version. There doesn't need to be a "Flee" command. There should just be buttons in the command menu that show "L1 + R1 = Flee/Escape" or whatever. To end this, there should be no "levels" for magic. You should just be able to buy it at a specific level. (I.e White Mage can only buy Cura at Level 10 and up.)

Final Fantasy I has a timeless soundtrack. Absolutely fantastic. Many great themes like Lute, Prelude, Dungeon, Battle Theme, Sunken Shrine, Chaos Shrine, Mt. Gulg, Airship Theme, World Map, Boss Theme, Ruined Castle, Town Theme, Shop, Boat, Matoya's Cave, Flying Fortress, so many other good songs. Oh, and don't forget the PSP version has the absolutely kick-ass versions of Final Fantasy III, IV, & V Battle 2, Battle on the Big Bridge from Final Fantasy V, and The Decisive Battle from Final Fantasy VI. I love Final Fantasy I's soundtrack. The GBA soundtrack especially is also really good with those GBA sound effects. Especially Chaos Shrine, Battle Theme, and Sunken Shrine.

Oh, and btw, I liked the Super Saiyan look for the Master class on PSP, but the design for the Master was bitchin' on GBA and PSOne with dat awesome bun on his hair and the cool robe, dammit.

In the PSP and GBA version, I thought it was really cool that there were dungeons and secret bosses representing Final Fantasy III, IV, V, and VI. However, I never really understood why Final Fantasy IV Battle 2 plays even though you're fighting the Four Fiends....

Okay, I explained a lot of what I like in Final Fantasy I and what I wish for but not I'm gonna talk about what I fucking LOVE about the original Final Fantasy.

Final Fantasy I is an incredibly nostalgic game for me. I first played it on the GBA when I was like, 11 years old. It wasn't my first Final Fantasy game, but it really touched me. What with the beautiful GBA prelude coming up as soon as you turn on the game, to the game's simplistic and fun gameplay. I always loved going to new towns. The first thing I'd do is, "Oooooh! Where the magic shop? I wanna see all the new spells!" And I loved that feeling of discovering the spells and choosing the ones that I want for my mages. The world of Final Fantasy I is also surprisingly big. I always loved getting to new dungeons. Especially the offset ones like Waterfall Cave. I like the idea of "classing up". I always thought it was such a cool moment once you get those awesome new clothes for your characters and they walk around looking fucking badass.

When I was a kid, and I still do now, I thought the simple story of the game was so cool because I always liked to imagine what the warriors of light were like before they came to Cornelia.

Well, Final Fantasy I. It was a joy to play through it again. My team was the White Wizard, Knight, Master, and Red Wizard. Named Tori, Ashley, Eden, and Angus, respectively.

Luckily since the game retains your memory and has several unlockables if you beat the game a second time, I'll be playing the game again on Vita with a new party in New Game Plus on Easy Mode. Final Fantasy I is always fun to play because it is simply a classic and very well made JRPG. Especially for it's time back on NES. Final Fantasy I is one of my favorite Final Fantasy games, in my Top 5 favorites for the series and it's one of my favorite games of all time. It's hard to choose a specific version because the GBA has the nostalgia, while PSP has the added content/difficulty and amazing visuals & music. But I'd have to go with GBA because it how I first enjoyed this phenomenal game. Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls.

You can play Final Fantasy I on many different platforms because it's been rereleased many times since the original came out on NES. Accesibly, it can be purchased as Final Fantasy Origins which comes with Final Fantasy II on the PlayStation Store as a PSOne Classic playable on PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable, & PlayStation Vita. You can also buy it on the iOS Store which is the PSP version (I'm not sure about the Google Play Store) and the NES version is available on the Wii Shop Channel/Wii U eShop.

Final Fantasy I is a revolutionary and classic JRPG inspired by Dragon Warrior and other role-playing games of the time. It is a legacy of Squaresoft which was it's developer. The company was about to go bankrupt and they made one final game that was a fantasy RPG for the NES. Thus being called "Final Fantasy". The gane did so thst it went on to create an entire franchise and revived the company. The result was one of the most recognizable and influential franchises of all time: Final Fantasy


Undisputed Verdict: 8/10

Thanks for reading and I'll see you next time!! ~Gothorita

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