Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Wild ARMs

*tumbleweeds pass* ....Wild ARMs. Finished in 30 hours around Level 42. (I think...)

Wild ARMs is turn-based JRPG developed by Media.Vision and published by Sony.

This is a game, that caught me off guard. I bought it and barely played it. Until one day around a year later, I just turned it on and started playing it.

Wild ARMs was an extraordinarily beautiful game that really, really surprised me. It's just a turn-based RPG, but... if you play through it, it's so much more and it's such a beautiful game.

Wild ARMs tells the tale of Rudy Roughknight and his two companions Jack Van Burace and Cecillia. They're chosen to save the dying world they live in called Filgaia from the Metal Demons.

The thing about Wild ARMs is that, these are the only characters you can use and it's brilliant. It's nice and isolated. You get to see how all the characters grow as people and develop in the world.

The gameplay is typical turn-based RPG in the vain of Final Fantasy/Dragon Warrior I, II, and III. Each character has their own abilities. Rudy has his ARM which is like a big gun that he uses. Jack uses a sword and a Fast Draw technique, and Cecillia uses a Rod and Magic abilities.

They also all have "Force" abilities which is kind of like a Limit Break/Mystic Arte thing. But they're four levels to it and it works on a gauge. The gauge goes up as the player does actions in battle. There are 4 levels of the gauge and each ability is different for each level. But for level 2, each character is able to summon spirits that act like the summons in Final Fantasy.

I really enjoyed the story. It's a LITTLE BIT slow in the beginning, but it really starts to ramp up as the story progresses because the characters start to develop. The one thing I didn't like about the game was the puzzles. They were an instant walkthrough for me because they're so obtuse, but I use walkthroughs for every puzzle in every game. That's just me, I don't really like puzzles. (Hence, why I can't play Zelda... But that's a discussion for another time.)

The music in Wild ARMs was really different. It has a Wild West feel, which I thought was unique. But personally, I think one of the greatest segments of the game, was the opening scene with the opening music. It's so beautiful and very special. After I finished the game, I almost cried while watching it.

Overall, Wild ARMs was truly a special game and I can't recommend it enough to RPG fans. It's quite an experience. I loved every second of it. My favorite character was Jack. I feel like his story was the best and I related to him the most.

The most accessible way to play Wild ARMs is on the PlayStation Store. It is a PSOne Classic that is playable on PlayStation Portable, PlayStation 3, & PlayStation Vita.

There are 6 more Wild ARMs games for me to play and I look forward to them and hope it's a fantastic and classic series.


Undisputed Verdict: 9/10

Thanks for reading and I'll see you next time!! ~Gothorita

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