Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Rayman 2: The Great Escape

Rayman 2: The Great Escape is a 3D Platformer developed and published by Ubisoft.

Now this is one of those games I owned as a kid and never played past the first level. I even had my digital PSOne copy since 2011. I just never played it cause I thought it was a 20 hour game.

Back in the day, I played the Dreamcast demo of Rayman 2 and it looked so amazing. I still want to play that. It looks like a GameCube game.

However, I beat this on PS3 as a PSOne classic because I recently downloaded it and I didn't want it to be left "unbeaten" from my download list.

Rayman 2 was a simple game. I thought it was 20 hours, but it only has 18 levels. It wasn't hard or anything, the only hard part was finding all the lums/health things on each stage which I didn't do. I played through the game getting what I could and continuing on.

It was a fairly easy game, except for some segments. I liked the cutscenes and the voice acting was okay. I finished it in 7 hours. The main thing I liked about the game was the stages were so large. It made the game feel longer. I'm happy to have finally beaten this game. I know now it's not 20 hours. XD

It's only 6-8 hours. Anyway, I enjoyed it. It wasn't phenomenal or anything, but I really did enjoy my time with it.

Anyway, there's a ton of ways to play Rayman 2. N64, PC, Dreamcast, PSOne, PS2, DS, 3DS, and I feel like I'm missing something there. An easy way to get it is as a PSOne Classic on the PlayStation Store. It's playable on PlayStation Portable, PlayStation 3, & PlayStation Vita. You can also buy it as Rayman 2 Revolution. Which is a PS2 Classic on the PS3's PlayStation Store.


Undisputed Verdict: 7/10

Thanks for reading and I'll see you next time!! ~Gothorita

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