Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Suikoden! Finished in 20 hours around Level 50.

Suikoden is a great turn-based PSOne JRPG developed and published by Konami. I don't know why, but I thought it would've been a little average, however, I really enjoyed it and once I got to the 5 hour mark, I couldn't stop playing it. The soundtrack was alright. I liked the victory fanfare which happens to be my ringtone on my phone.

The story and characters were pretty interesting. My party was The Hero, Ronnie, Valeria, Sylvina, Milia, and Camille. I loved those characters. Milia reminded me a lot of Milla Maxwell from Tales of Xillia.

Suikoden had an interesting mystical story. It was a tale of political intrigue and mysticism and romance. I liked it because as the main character, recruiting the 108 Stars of Destiny, it felt like I was watching as peoples lives changed because of the war that was going on. It really made me think about just war in general and what it can do to people.

Now, I don't have much to comment on the gameplay, but I will say that I enjoyed the fact that i could have 6 party members in a battle. I've always wanted that in a new RPG because there often a lot of characters I like and the party member limit is usually 3 or 4. But with 6, I can add just two or three more people that I like and I'm satisfied.

I like the idea of the one-on-one and war battles. If they had more quirks and mechanics in them, I think they could both be really cool and engaging.

Anyway, it's obvious, I don't have much to say about Suikoden, but I suggest to play it. I don't know how to put the experience in words. The greatness of the game is really in experiencing it yourself.

If you're interested in buying it, the most accessible way to do so is on the PlayStation Store available as a PSOne Classic so you can play it on PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable, & PlayStation Vita.

I feel like this is a "middle of the road" review, but I really enjoyed Suikoden and it's one of the best PSOne RPGs I've ever played. I can't recommend it enough.


Undisputed Verdict: 8.5/10

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